Contact to GEDCOMP

You can reach GEDCOMP by E-mail to

In the unlikely event that your mail cannot be delivered, wait a while and try again.

An E-mail can unfortunately be lost without notification of neither sender nor receiver. If you send an E-mail to GEDCOMP without receiving a response within a few weeks you should therefore send your E-mail once again. If your GEDCOM-file has been included in GEDCOMP you can verify that you have received all E-mails from GEDCOMP here.

How to submit your GEDCOM-file

Submit your GEDCOM-file via E-mail to GEDCOMP

If your GEDCOM-fil is bigger than a few hundred kB you should compress it. Otherwise there is a risk that parts of or even the hole E-mail will be lost.

Your GEDCOM-file should be compressed with GNU gzip (MS-DOS version here).
New: PC-users can also use the compressor WinZip.
If you use other compressors that are only available on certain computers like PC's and Mac's I may be unable to unpack your GEDCOM-file.
Self-extracting files will not be processed!

Your E-mail address

The E-mail address you use to submit your file will be used as contact address. It is therefore important that you use an E-mail address that you can use again later. If you change your E-mail adress then send an E-mail about it from your new adress.