Your access to your GEDCOM overlaps

Every user of GEDCOMP is assigned their own, password-protected download page.

Once their first GEDCOM-file has been compared to the other GEDCOM-files an email with the access information will be sent to them.
The access information consists of three parts: There is no reason to give any of this information to anyone. Another GEDCOMP-user that has an overlap with you will have their own copy of the overlap in their own download page.

The email from GEDCOMP with your download-information will have subject:
Din adgang til GEDCOMP/Your GEDCOMP access

If you have submitted a GEDCOM-file to GEDCOMP but have not received an email with your download information, then first check your spam-filter for an email from GEDCOMP with the above subject.

If you did not receive such an email or if you lost it, you can request it to be sent by sending from the email address you use with GEDCOMP an email with subject:
Request GEDCOMP-Download Information

You can send more than one GEDCOM-file to GEDCOMP, the overlaps of each of your GEDCOM-files are accessed in the same way.

The information on your download-page

Your download page contains a table over the GEDCOM-file(s) you have submitted to GEDCOMP. If a GEDCOM-file has overlaps with other GEDCOM-files a link will take you to a page with the overlaps for this GEDCOM-file.

Each match your GEDCOM-file has with another file has an entry in a table. The information is the following: You only have read-access to your download page, for two reasons. Firstly, this keeps the necessary effort to administrate GEDCOMP at a reasonable level and secondly significantly reduces the risk that the user-specific information is compromised.

If a user has one of their GEDCOM-files removed from GEDCOMP (for example by submitting a replacement), then all the data related to the old file is deleted. This applies also to the overlaps. This means that if you find a certain overlap interesting, you should download it and store it yourself so it remains available to you even if the overlapping GEDCOM-file is later removed by the other user.

The information regarding overlap you have with another GEDCOM-file is made available in two identical copies, one for you and the other for the submitter of the GEDCOM-file with which you have your match. For some overlaps the segment of your GEDCOM-file is listed first, for overlaps with other GEDCOM-files yours is listed second. It is not possible to avoid a mix of this first versus second listing for different overlaps.